The M. Butkus library of camera instruction manuals
Where FILM camera instruction manuals have been found for FREE since 1997
(donations accepted with a smile)

The below listings are just that, a listing of links I have collected,
and other lists of manuals, and manuals I don't post.

I have hundreds of other camera manual I have collected since 1996
from company sites that no longer post "non supported models"
as well as from personal web sites that have closed over the years.

You MUST E-mail me the "folder name"
of the model as well as the "exact file name"
if you wish to receive a copy.  The quality of these varies.

Butkus Camera Manual Site

100 Film Camera Links

35mm Camera List
I only provide this as a list of know cameras. 
I do not have information on all of the cameras in this list

Alphabetical Listing of my current camera manuals

Listing of other manuals I have.
If you wish to recieve one by E-mail.
Provide the exact title (copy it) to the address below.

The quality of these vary from great to poor

Problems opening PDF files or printing problems - click here


Butkus Camera Manual Site

Donation policy

butkus camera manual site

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 Already Have a PayPal account    - PayPal. me/butkus

All manual creations copyright© by M. Butkus, High Bridge, N.J.